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Birth Doula Services With a Bigger Purpose in Mind

When I first felt the call to be a doula from the Lord, I wasn't sure how He would have me go about it. I was working full time as a nanny to a wonderful family. After over two years nannying for them, they made the decision to send their precious little boy to preschool. I was so happy for them! I knew the call on my heart was divinely timed. With work no longer something to plan around, I earned my certification as a doula.


As I learned more about birth outcomes in my country, my heart began to break for the women here. For being a first would country, the USA has abysmal birth statistics. Those statistics become even worse for minorities and lower-income families. This is something I know I want to help fight against by donating my time to these women as their doula. When you chose me as your doula, you are allowing me to do just that. A part of my fees are dedicated to helping these women get the care they need. I am pleased to offer my time to attending births, at no cost, to those that need it, when I can.  


I thank you for considering me as your doula! 


Pro Bono Services

If you or somebody you know could benefit from pro bono work, please reach out! 


What is a Doula?

A doula is a birth companion. They offer support during pregnancy, all the way through labor and delivery, to postpartum. During your labor they are able to help with pain management in natural ways such as positioning, counter pressure, massage and more. They advocate on your behalf to get you closer to the birth of your dreams. They offer information to make sure you have full informed consent before you make any choices. Having a doula present has statistically been shown to improve birth outcomes for both mother and baby. An empowering and respectful birth is achievable! 


How Doulas Improve Birth Outcomes


Lower Your Risk of Cesarean Section 

There are varying statistics according to different studies, but the numbers are clear, doulas help lower c-section rates, some studies showing by up 52% (1). This is good news as c-sections come with their own list of additional complications, including higher maternal death rates (2). 


1. Falconi AM, Bromfield SG, Tang T, Malloy D, Blanco D, Disciglio RS, Chi RW. Doula care across the maternity care continuum and impact on maternal health: Evaluation of doula programs across three states using propensity score matching. EClinicalMedicine. 2022 Jul 1;50:101531. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101531. PMID: 35812994; PMCID: PMC9257331.

2. Deneux-Tharaux C, Carmona E, Bouvier-Colle MH, Bréart G. Postpartum maternal mortality and cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol. 2006 Sep;108(3 Pt 1):541-8. doi: 10.1097/01.AOG.0000233154.62729.24. PMID: 16946213.


Lower Risk of Postpartum Anxiety and Depression

With a doula ​on your side your risk of postpartum anxiety and depression and subsequent risk of PTSD can be lowered (3). Women continuously report that doulas had a positive impact on their mental well-being (4). Mental health is not something to take lightly. Having a doula can be the cornerstone in ensuring your postpartum experience is full of baby snuggles and sweet memories, not constant survival mode. 


3. Rousseau S, Katz D, Shlomi-Polachek I, Frenkel TI. Prospective risk from prenatal anxiety to post traumatic stress following childbirth: The mediating effects of acute stress assessed during the postnatal hospital stay and preliminary evidence for moderating effects of doula care. Midwifery. 2021 Dec;103:103143. doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2021.103143. Epub 2021 Sep 14. PMID: 34610495.

4. Darwin Z, Green J, McLeish J, Willmot H, Spiby H. Evaluation of trained volunteer doula services for disadvantaged women in five areas in England: women's experiences. Health Soc Care Community. 2017 Mar;25(2):466-477. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12331. Epub 2016 Feb 25. PMID: 26918879.



Less Interventions During Birth

When women had continuous support during labor they receive less overall medication. One study showed a 40% decrease in synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) usage and a 60% decrease in epidural requests (5). Both of these medications have notable side effects for both mother and baby. It is my goal to make sure you use them, if wanted, with full informed consent. â€‹


5. 2. Hodnett ED. Gates S Hofmeyr GJ. Sakala C. Continuous Support for Women During Childbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. CD003766, (2003).


Is a Doula Right For me?

The answer is yes, a doula is right for you! On top of these three notable birth outcome improvements doulas can also decrease need for an assisted delivery, improve birth satisfaction, decrease labor length, increase breastfeeding rates, and lead to better Apgar scores for baby. Even if a c-section is medically necessary, or your preferred birth, you can still benefit from all of the other improved outcomes for mom and baby!

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